
泡泡中文 > 黑犬随笔 > 为予一国之人以生机,此生不复回(3)


宁夸十人长,不损一人短。(It's better to praise ten people for being long than to criticize one person for being short.)


(For some polite words, you choose not to answer, because sometimes silence is also a response. But there is o always remain silent. The most important thiween people is the exge and unication of ideas as.)


(Introverted development does not mean harming oneself, aroverted development does not mean harming others. Taking appropriate and reasoions is the most important.)


(Life is already so lonely and desolate, there is o be so sad and bewildered anymore. Being a person, living a happier and more relaxed life, maybe not be a rational choice.)


(I used to think that we had an impa the world. In the end, we realized that it has always been the world silently ging us. Or rather, we are growing together.)


(You must be brave enough to give love, so that you reap rewards. In many times of life, giving a little more is at least harmless. Only by trying you avretting and feeling lonely after missing out on opportunities.)

成长,不在于你长了多少斤肥肉,而是在于你长了多少个心眼。(Growth is not about how much fat you gain, but about how mas you develop.)


(Many times in life, the signs of things do not develop towards the expected oute. Try to focus on the present, perhaps the results will be better.)

已经构思好的要做的事情最好尽早实施,迟则生变,变则难达汝意。(It is best to implement what has already been planned as early as possible, as delay lead to ge and it will be difficult to achieve your iions.)

有时候,我们某些冠冕堂皇的决定,只不过是对来自世俗的压力的一种逃避,然而结果往往是我们都逃不掉。因为在这世界上,没有任何一个人可以在离群索居的状态下,完好无损地存在着。(Sometimes, randiose decisions are just an escape from secular pressures, but the result is often that we ot get away. Because in this world, no one exist unscathed in a state of isolation.)
