
泡泡中文 > 天一乐园 > 第二章 角色+预言 +

第二章 角色+预言 +




















《The Revelation of Heavenly Tao》(The Revelation of Heaven, the ic View of the Great Tao, the Unity of Nature/Heaven and Human):

In the beginning there was Tao (Dao), Tao and God had the same in. Tao has transformed into Nature, Tao is managing and following Nature. Yin and Yang apany each other, Cause and Effect are running in a cycle. All ges are random and following Fate (Karma). The Heavenly Tao is operating the reination system, and spiritual lives e and go acc to their Fate (Karma). Out of nothing es something, and somethiurns to nothing. God has no form, and spirits are also invisible. Tao is God, and there is a universal Divine Spirit. The Heavenly Tao is omnipotent, and the Sod is immortal. The Great Way (Tao) is simple, uniting Nature/Heaven and human into Oneness.


Character Profile

Main Characters: The Divine Family of Lights

The True God is Sod (Omni, Tian Lao/Mu).

The three drops of water of源神 Sod represent the life of the past, present and future. Because Water is the Source of Life, so the Sod is the Water God.

The Sod has a prototype called the原神 inal God (Oye, Tian Ye), so the inal God is the Fire God.

Omni is usually iao Paradise (Heavenly Paradise, Heaven), and sometimes appears in people's dreams Prophecy. Oye is usually in the Underworld, and occasionally appears in people's dreams Warning.

The three drops of water of the Sod also represent that the Sod is a trinity God.灵(Ling)=彐(water)+火(fire), so the Divine Spirit of the Sod天灵(Divine Spirit,Tian Ling) is a bination of the Water god and the Fire god. The ese character源(Source, Yuan) is a sign of showing that the Sod is a Trinity God.

Divine Spirit (Tian Ling,Oling ) is a symbol of the Way of Heaven. Oling((Tian Ling) travel through time and space at will ihree realms of Heaven, the World and the Underworld, and arrive in an instant. It represents Omni(Tianmu) and Oye(Tiao perform their duties and do various things. Oling is invisible and formless, but omnipotent and ge and update everything in the Universe iime. on symbols of the Divine Spirit are the Dove (Water, representing Peace), the Phoenix (Fire phoenix representing resurre ah), and the twin phoenixes (half water, half fire, representing the Unity of Yin and Yang).

Fners are not familiar with the meanings of ese cept天 Tian(Sky,Heaven,God) and灵 Ling (Soul, Spirit,Intelligence),so we use Oling as the Divine Spirit's o make it easier for people who are not familiar with ese characters and cepts to remember.

Because it is difficult for ordinary people to uand the cept of two sides of One God, in our mythological stories, the two sides of the Yin and Yang bined Sod (Nature God) became Omni and Oye, these two Gods represent the Yin and Yang of the Sod (Nature God),They are both Sod and Nature God.

Sod is the Creator of the Universe,the inal God of the Universe and Nature, a bination of Yin and Yang, two sides of One . Omni (Omu) represents the Bright side of the Sod (Nature God), while Oye represents the Dark side of the Sod(Nature God). The relationship between Omni and Oye is like the relationship between Light and Shadow,or Lotus and Mud. They are couple and w partners. Together they mahe Heaven, the World and the Underworld.

Omni represents Natural Way (Natural Rules), Oye represents Natural Law.

The prototype of Omni (Tian Lao) is The Way of Heaven, the Sod (Valley God) in Laozi's《Tao Te g》and the Queen Mother of Heaven,Mother of Tao, Mother of the Big Dipper in traditional ese culture. The prototype of Oye (Tian Ye) is the Sky (Heaven), Father of the Sky, Old Sky, Grandpa of the Sky,King of the Underworld in traditional ese culture.

Omni is mainly in charge of Heaven and the World. Oye is mainly in charge of Underworld aherworld, also helping Omni managing the World and Heaven.

The Sod has 8 Avatars (desdant gods). The Sod is the supreme True God, with great magical powers, have tless inations and avatars, just like a sacred Tree bear tless Divine Fruits (Seeds).

In this book, there are 8 Avatars of Sod came down to Earth to practid save the World. They are the Main Characters 2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10 as following.

Main Characters(10):

1.Omni: Om,Omu(Aumu),Oming,Omiao, Siming(Shen Ming),Tian Lao,Tian Mu (Mou)

Sod,God of the Universe,Tian Lao (Grandma of Heaven),Tian Mu (Mother of Heaven),Diviher of Tao,Queen Mother of Heaven, Divine Spirit of God, Ination of Tian Tao/Heavenly Way and Tai Ji/Tai Chi, Bright Emperor, Represents the Divine Spirit of the Universe and All Lights,Lights represent Wisdom, Love, Life, Truth,Justid much more.

Omu (Aumu) represents the Sacred Tree of Spiritual Light (Sacred Spiritual Light Tree, Divine Life Tree,Wisdom Tree) in Heaven. Omni has a天桃园 Sacred Tao (Peamortality) Garden in Heaven, the Sacred Tree of Spiritual Light is in the middle of the Tao Garden. The天桃Tao in Heaven (Peamortality) represents天道Tao(The Way of Heaven).

2. Miya: Mia, Maia, Omiao, iStar, Magic.

Milk Way goddess, Ination of Milk Way in the World,Ination of Maia/Nuwa (ese Moddness, Humaor) and Ninmah(Sumerian Moddness,Humaor), Mother,Vivid Garden Owner and Architect,Designer,Warm Light.

Jianghu* name: Hua Qiangu ( iStar/Easter), Spring (Water) and Flower (Life) Goddess,Revive flowers/lives across the river of time), has the magic of resurre, travel through time and space, and bring the dead back to life. She is the ination of the South Pole Star, the Master of Life.

3. Garden: Omi,Promi, Mio,Mestery, Wan Wang (Kings).

Space god,Ination of Natural Law in the World,Father,Ination of Mio/Fuxi (ese Father God, aor) and Enki (Sumerian Father God, aor), Vivid Garden Owner, Manager and Gardener,Cool Light.

Jianghu name: Bai CaoKu,(Wind,Weeds Killer ), has secret skills to subdue demons. subdue demons and monsters without leaving any trace. He is the ination of the North Star, the Master of ing the World.

4. Oye: O Ye (Oyeah),Uming, Omi, Saming, Chaos (Wu Ming),Pluto(Ming Wang),Endy,Tian Ye.

Nature God,Ination of Wu Ji/ Wu Chi and Chaos,Grandpa of Nature,Dark Emperor, Represents Invisible Lights,Justice,Ruler of the herworld and Underworld. Oye is in charge of storms, thunder and lightning, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis and all major disastrous natural phenomena, the affairs of the Underworld and the herworld. Oye also helps Omni to mahe Karma Systm of the World, people's innate Destiny, Fate ah, implement Karmic retributions in the World, and provide souls for Heaven to use for Reinations. Oye represents Nature Law, Justice, Supervision, Judgment and Punishment.

5. Milo: Milord,Mitra,Solar,Smart,Oli,Mi Le, Lord.

Sungod, Ination of Natural od’s Will and Sungod in the World, King of the Kings, Son, Warm Light.

6. Milu: Luna,Mona,Smile,Ola,Melody,Mi Lu.

Moon goddess, Ination of Natural Way, Heavenly Rhythms and Moongod in the World,Daughter, Cool Light.

7. Cloud: Olo, Loud.

Sky god, Luna's boyfriend and Milo's best friend,represents White Clouds and Dark clouds,Cold Light.

8. Aurora: Auro, Lula,Ole,Venus(M Star),Anya(Aya),Rainbow.

Love goddess, Milo's girl friend and Luna's best friend,represents Aurora,Colorful Clouds and Rainbow. Demigod,Warm Light.

9 Sunny: Shineshine, Sunflower, Lotus, Tallstar, Happy,Le Tian.

Daughter of Milo and Lula, Princess of the Solar System. Warm Light.

10 Cloudy: Cloudy Sky, Ostar, Yun Tian.

Son of Luna and Cloud, Prince of the Milk Way. Future leader of expl habitable plas in the Milky Way. Cold Light.

Supp Characters:

Lotus Academy Head Coachs

1. Boy's Head Coach

DongFangShe Wins

2. Girl's Head Coach:

XiYuYi Gains

Oye's two assistants:

3. Bai Wug (White ce): Lucky, Yi Wan (represents Good Lud Good Retributions)

4. Hei Wug(Black ce): Unlucky, Wan Yi,(represents Bad Lud Bad Retributions)

5. Miao,Miaomiao,a Persian-Turkish Van of the Divine Family.

6. Wang,Wangwang,a German Shepherd of the Divine Family.

* Roles will be added as he Character Profile and Character Descriptions will be updated accly.

*“Jianghu“ is a ese term that generally refers to the Outside World.
